Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mental Health Awareness - 2014

The mask of manic depressive illness changes the many faces that it touches. You only wish that you could just take it off and dispose of its ugly insides but it always rises to the surface. The struggle becomes hard but it becomes a fight for your very life so you choose to go through the fire, rise from the ashes, and conquer the storm.

Out of Touch Within Reach is the first book to share Lisa's journey along opposite polar endings.  The book will focus on three elements, the problem, the conflict, and the solution. The first three chapters of the book tell about the slow but steady crumble of the mind and body as a toll is taken on the author though her life experiences and life threatening behavior.

The stigma of mental illness can be stamped out by becoming more aware and educated about the paths you can take to get help by finding the doctor and counseling you need! Everyday Matters so let’s raise awareness, and reach out to someone in need.

Out of Touch Within Reach has received raving reviews for its ability to capture and teach the very essence of survival through the maze of mental illness and create avenues to solve the puzzle.

Please use this book to educate and inform others!  It helped me to read a book that involved someone going through the same things that I went through, to learn from their experiences and challenges, conquer my own, and change the lives of others.
As an Advocate for Mental Health Awareness I would be very excited to speak to social workers, students, community outreach programs, anyone willing to listen, and share my journey, let them know where to find mental health resources, and keep mental health the spotlight for 2014 and beyond!.

Contact me by visiting my website at